Supporting the Foundation with a legacy gift is a concrete expression of your commitment to forward-looking research and academic programs to inspire the next generation of industry leaders. The 1989 Society is a special donor community. Members of The 1989 Society and their families feel significant gratification that they have invested in the future success of the Foundation and the equipment finance industry.
You can join The 1989 Society by:
- Amend your estate plan with a charitable bequest to the Foundation. Sample bequest language below.
- Complete the Declaration of Intent form to notify us of your generosity.
Please consult your estate planner, tax advisor, or attorney for information specific to your estate plans on the best way to leave a legacy gift.
Common and simple ways to make a legacy gift include:
- Include a bequest in your will that gives a designated portion (amount or percent) of your estate
- Designate the Foundation as a beneficiary of your retirement assets
- Designate the Foundation as a beneficiary of your life insurance assets
If you would like to notify us of your planned gift, you will receive recognition as a 1989 Society member. The Society’s namesake showcases the Foundation’s inaugural year, and highlights the lasting impact the Foundation has had, and will have, on the equipment finance industry.
You may also opt to give your gift in tribute to someone, or have your gift listed as “Anonymous” in the Society. Anonymous members can still receive the other benefits of membership.
Recognition includes:
- Perpetual recognition on Foundation’s website
- Once, annually, recognition in ELT Magazine
- Personalized communication about the Foundation’s activities
- The 1989 Society badge ribbon at industry events
- The 1989 Society signature/social media profile graphic
- Special invites to VIP only Foundation events (virtual and in-person)
- Opportunity to be highlighted in a Supporter Spotlight
Not ready to submit a declaration of intent, but want to learn more about planned giving to the Foundation? Please contact Kelli Nienaber, Executive Director via email at or phone at 202-238-3429.
Sample Language
Leave a Gift in Your Will (Bequest)
By including a bequest to the Foundation in your will or living trust, you are ensuring our work continues for years to come. The following are examples of how to indicate a bequest gift to the Foundation. These are simply suggestions and should be adapted by your legal counsel to fit your situation.
Sample Bequest of Remainder of Estate
“I give, devise, and bequeath to the Equipment Leasing and Finance Foundation, Tax ID #54-1527848, (choose one: all/state the fraction/state the percentage) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, for which bequest shall create a permanent fund of which the principal is kept intact and only xx% annually expended, to be administered in accordance with policies established by the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation for its general tax exempt purposes and without other restrictions as to use. The Equipment Leasing and Finance Foundation may be contacted at 1625 Eye Street NW, Suite 850, Washington, DC 20006.”
Sample Bequest of Specific Amount
“I give, devise, and bequeath $__________ to the Equipment Leasing and Finance Foundation, Tax ID #54-1527848, for which bequest shall create a permanent fund of which the principal is kept intact and only xx% annually expended, to be administered in accordance with policies established by the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation for its general tax exempt purposes and without other restrictions as to use. The Equipment Leasing and Finance Foundation may be contacted at 1625 Eye Street NW, Suite 850, Washington, DC 20006.”
Name the Foundation as a Beneficiary of Retirement or Life Insurance Assets
A beneficiary designation clearly identifies how certain assets will be distributed after your lifetime. You can designate the Foundation to receive some (specific amount or %) of those assets. The process is simple, and usually includes a short form or online submission to the holder of the policy or assets. This is an easy and flexible way to give and you can review and adjust beneficiary designations anytime you want.
Ask your administrator or institution for a change of beneficiary form, and list us as the Equipment Leasing and Finance Foundation, 1625 Eye Street NW, Suite 850, Washington, DC 20006 (EIN: 54-1527848).
Leave Your Legacy