Journal of Equipment Lease Financing

Created in 1980, the Journal of Equipment Lease Financing publishes leading research across all the major topics of the industry. Each issue of the Journal reaches thousands of industry participants, academics, finance professionals, libraries, and government and financial institutions around the country. The Journal is published three times a year and distributed electronically. Journal articles are available for download in the Foundation online Library. If you'd like to receive the Journal of Equipment Lease Financing please create a profile with the Foundation and subscribe.


New for Spring 2024:

The Ever-Evolving Landscape of Fraud: From Pain Points to Prevention and Detection
By Zahid Kassem and Kelly Cockerham

Often, the same tools designed to protect companies from fraud fall into the hands of scammers eager to exploit them. As fraud schemes evolve and become more complex, it is imperative that companies take stock of their fraud losses and risks. Respondents to a recent Foundation study  identified five areas of concern.  This article explores prevalent fraud types since 2022.

Climate Equipment Finance: Market Dynamics in Key Market Segments
By Patricia M. Voorhees

Climate finance is a massive growth opportunity for equipment finance. The pace in various sectors will depend on big investments to support infrastructure and continued policy incentives. The great news for our industry is that the financing of equipment is a critical component across climate-finance sectors—and there is ample runway ahead.

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Journal Copyright

Copyright © 1983–2024 by the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation
ISSN 0740-008X

Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted by the Foundation. This consent does not extend to copying for general distribution, advertising or promotional purposes; for creating new collective works; or for resale. No part of this Journal may be reproduced in any other form, including microfilm, or incorporated into any information retrieval system without written permission of the copyright owner.
Article queries and submission are subject to review by the Editorial Review Board and to editing. The Journal employs a blind review process for manuscripts submitted by academicians. Letters to the editor are also welcome and encouraged.
Statements of fact and opinion expressed in the Journal are the responsibility of the authors alone and do not imply an opinion on the part of the officers or directors of the Foundation.