Give Online

Help Us Celebrate Our 35th Anniversary!

We are funded entirely through donations from generous corporations AND individuals. If you are looking for ways to invest in the industry and haven't given yet, we encourage you to donate today to help us CRUSH our 2024 fundraising goal.

Donations provide the necessary funding to develop key resources and trend analyses, maintain our grant program, and enable student scholarships to attract the next generation of professionals.

We value our donors and recognize contributors in print, online, and at in-person events. Support the Foundation by making your 100% tax-deductible gift today!

Give Online Through the Foundation


By Check

If you wish to send your make your donation by check - please send payable to the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation and mail to 1625 Eye St, NW Suite 850, Washington, DC 20006.

Tax Documents

Download the ELFF W9 Form

Matching Gifts

Charitable contributions to the Foundation are tax deductible. Individual donations may be matched by your company's Matching Gift Program - if you ask! Employers often require the employee to initiate the match. Ask your HR department if they match charitable gifts. Contact for help making your request. 

Planned Giving

Supporting the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation with a planned gift is a concrete expression of your commitment forward-looking research and programs to inspire the next generation of industry leaders. LEARN MORE

Stock Contribution

As a potential donor, you may not be aware of a potential tax benefit you can receive when giving appreciated stock - rather than just cash - to a 501(c)(3) organization like the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation. LEARN MORE