Your will provides you with an opportunity to acknowledge the individuals and organizations that have meaning in your life, such as the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation. Your will can specify a sum of money, a percent of your estate, or a specific asset (such as stocks or bonds) to be left to the Foundation.
The Foundation is pleased to provide the following suggested bequest language for your attorney to use in drawing up your will. Your attorney should help you determine which is right for you.
Sample Language
Bequest Without Donor Restriction
I give to the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation, a nonprofit corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the District of Columbia and located in Washington, DC or its legal successor thereto [insert here the sum of money, percent portion of the estate, description of property, or “the rest, residue and remainder of my estate”], which bequest shall create a permanent fund of which the principal is kept intact and only xx% annually expended, to be administered in accordance with policies established by the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation for its general tax exempt purposes and without other restrictions as to use.
Please use this legal name and address:
Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation
Tax ID#: 54-1527848
1625 Eye Street NW, Suite 850
Washington, DC 20006